It’s 2007 and two dear friends are stood opposite me in the basement kitchen of a London townhouse looking at me deadly serious.
It’s an intervention ⚡️
As they laid out the evidence before me, the denial my ego had held so tightly to, crumbled to dust.
All the alarm bells I’d minimised, ignored, pushed away 🔔
Some were small: The feeling that everything was piling on. The lack of space.
Some were larger: The weekends in bed stretching into hours and days being snatched anywhere I could get them.
ALL led to one place.
🎙 💗 To say that this podcast episode is close to my heart doesn’t cover it!
I’m truly honoured therefore to be sharing this honest, HEALING episode on burnout packed with tips for a SUSTAINABLE life - with joy!
My three brilliant guests:
Emerging Markets Consultant Ashmi Ahluwalia
Independent Brand Consultant and regenerative health coach Vanessa Coleiro
Psychologist and Business Consultant Dr Elaine Dutton, PhD of The Change Agent Malat
🎙👇 Listen now to hear 🎙👇
🗺 Identifying your unique signs - different for everyone
💪 ‘The Warrior Woman syndrome’ and how to heal it before it takes your health, and career
💬 Change the conversation. How do we bring up burnout at work? And still earn…💰
💫 ‘You’re a little sapling, and you need to be watered a little differently now.’ Ashmi Ahluwalia on how to reclaim lost parts of yourself and the JOY of life
Thank you as always to our generous sponsors The Phoenicia Malta, Shireburn Software And media partners Lovin Malta and MeetInc.