How far would you go for self-development?
Europe? 🇪🇺
America? 🇺🇸
The pub? 🍻 #cheers
Suffice to say these days I consider ANYWHERE worth a visit if somebody there will have the message I need to hear 💡
But it's more than that:
💆🏼♀️ Perspective on my life and actions #needthat
😄 Meeting like-minded people with the ‘know yourself’ M.O #carenetwork
🧩 Letting go of 🤯 I don’t need and plotting a better 🗺
I’ve been to…
South Africa 🇿🇦 and Texas 🤠 with @DeMartiniInstitute
Spain, Sardinia, Majorca, Florida, Argentina, Portugal with @JoeDispenza. And most recently Mexico 🇲🇽
Now it’s Jordan 🇯🇴 for #Afest, an intimate self-development festival created by @VishenLakhiani the founder of @Mindvalley and his team.
Sometimes I think of the ⏱ and the 💷 and I go 😬! Initially...
But then it’s always worth it.
How far would you go for self-development?
Photo credit: asherperlman