Is someone pressuring you? 🚩
One of the 'P's on my red flag series is PRESSURE.
A deal starts to smell not so good if I'm suddenly faced with pressure.
It happens a lot.
'Sign today!' ⏱
'We'll need to know by end of play whether you're in'⏱
Or, more subtle, EMOTIONAL pressure 🥺 (manipulation)
'You're the last piece in the jigsaw!' 🧩
'We only want YOU to invest'
So watch out for that red flag 🚩, it may mean issues with this deal, or the person pitching it!
So when will I invest in this deal?
👉 When I have all the information I need, and not until then
👉 When I feel satisfied the developer is in full control of their plans
👉 When the deal is actually ready to go