During my wonderful conversation with Skye Khilji on the Free the Wage Slave podcast, I was asked if there was something or someone who prompted a sense of curiosity, that inner search.

For me, it was my Grandad.

There was NOTHING that man didn't know about. And he left school, God bless him, when he was 14. So he wasn't an educated man, in the official sense. But curiosity, and a love of learning, meant he just absorbed and retained the information well. I used to spend hours in the garden with him and he'd be telling me all about plants, insects, soil, weather cycles... Then we would sit down together every day at 5.45 and watch the ITN news and he'd explain to me what was going on in the world.
It would be his 106th birthday today if he was still around. I wonder what he'd make of all of this! It'd take hours, if not days to talk it all through.
Who would be your phone a friend?